Amy Winehouse's was one of the most influential and iconic artists around during my early years at school. Her story was "beautifully tragic" and whilst I find it flattering that people who hear my voice, immediately liken me to her, I have to say "No, I'm Georgia, not Amy". I think Amy was way cooler than me and her song lyrics were darker. I'm a liitle more camp! And whilst my lyrics do often delve into the darker elements of relationships, I often try to see a lighter side and not take things too seriously.
Around the time I started out carving a professional career as a musician, I used to work in a pub, part-time. If had a pound for everytime a punter shouted out "Oi Amy" I'd probably have enough money saved up to release a new album! I'm gonna take a guess and say it was my hair. But the references went beyond the visual look, which I was very quick to rectify. It was also from the tone of my voice. My phrasing! 'Really?'. It got so tedious at the time I deceided to release a music video with a song called 'Glory' I had written and released. It's basically me singing impersonating various artists. One personal even thought I was impersonating 'Madonna' when it was actually me trying to be ME! Take a look .........
Music video of 'GLORY' released circa 2019

But It wasn't just Amy that I've been compared to. During the summer of 2021, I had a new single about to drop titled "Heavy Eyes". During the promo launch of 'Heavy Eyes', I remember in the early hours one evening, my phone's instagram account started going nuts. Someone had stumbled across my post and thought that my single's picture was 'Katy Perry's' new single and sleeve picture, being leaked. I had to intervene to let the enthusiastic fans of Katy's know that sadly, it wasnt their idol, It was just little old me!
Furthermore, I wasn't actually ripping Katy Perry off since my photo and video had been out there in the world wide web way before hers. Technically, if anything, she could have been ripping my image off!
'Pigeon holing' is 'generalisation', I guess, because as an un-known artist, promoters want to know who you may sound like so they can inform their public. Its a prerequisite on any festival application form to perform, "who do you sound like ?". To give the booker and idea if you'd actually fit within the general genre of the event. Whether people would actually like you, or not, is a matter for debate. Imagine placing 'Wham' (if they were unknown) at 'Rebellion music festival' known for their heavy hitting punk bands.
So I understand the reasons why this process of explaining who an artist sound's or looks like happens. But speaking as an artist, I beleive its perfectly acceptable to be influenced by another artist without actually being acused of sounding like them, or in essence, trying to rip them off. I am NOT a tribute artist. And whilst my re-branding in 2023 led with the phrase, "Who The Fuck Is Georgia Crandon?", this may have been aimed at some people, but it doesnt apply to me. I know exactly who I am!
Georgia Crandon